ARVALIS Showcases Carina at Les Culturales Field Event

ARVALIS, recently organized the Les Culturales field show, a two-day event that attracted more than 15,000 visitors. The event primarily targeted farmers, agricultural advisors, students, researchers, and economic operators in the arable crops sector.

ARVALIS along with Terres Inovia were able to broadly disseminate the initial results of the European CARINA and 4CE-MED projects. Microplot of Camelina was presented at this event, which received significant interest from the attendees. While Camelina may occupy a modest amount of crop acreage, its cultivation in France is gaining attention due to its promising technical and economic potential, particularly in the face of climate change. ARVALIS is recognizing the agronomic and environmental benefits of this oilseed crop, and is interested in exploring its integration into rotations, especially in double cropping systems. One noteworthy advantage of Camelina is its alleged allelopathic effects (chemical substances produced by certain plants then affect the growth of other plants), which facilitate weed management in the cropping system. By reducing weed pressure and inputs, storing carbon in the soil through proper crop sequencing, and enhancing farm resilience, Camelina demonstrates immense potential for warm and dry cropping systems.

During Les Culturales, ARVALIS engaged in numerous exchanges with various stakeholders in the agricultural value chains, further solidifying the organization’s commitment to working collaboratively with industrialists, storage organizations, and farmers. Together, they aim to develop two strategies for incorporating camelina into the cropping system:

  • Sowing Camelina as a winter intermediate crop prior to cultivating very early sorghum or soybeans as the primary crop.
  • Sowing Camelina as the primary crop following an energy catch crop.


One of the key advantages of Camelina lies in its short growth cycle, which enables its utilization in double-cropping systems, allowing for two harvests in a single year. While camelina oil holds potential for various applications, the most promising prospects revolve around its use as jet biofuel, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable aviation solutions.

The questions posed by farmers during the Les Culturales event have reinforced the need for further evaluation of camelina’s allelopathic effects and its role in weed management within cropping systems. The potential benefits, such as reduced weed growth and inputs, carbon sequestration through appropriate crop sequencing, and improved farm resilience, have generated a strong demand among farmers for additional references and research linked to the integration of Camelina into French cropping systems.

We remain committed to advancing the understanding and implementation of Camelina as a valuable crop. By exploring its potential and collaborating with various industry stakeholders, we aim to optimize its integration into cropping systems, paving the way for sustainable and resilient agricultural practices in the face of evolving environmental challenges.



Funded by the European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.